M’akola Housing Society
Port Alberni, BC
George Dowling

The project also involved new heat pumps in the units to provide tenants with efficient heating in the main living space and air conditioning in the summer months.
Also included, were art installations from local indigenous artists at each site entrance

Engaging customized SMART building and construction technologies developed by PCL, we are implementing our award-winning Job Site Insights™ (JSI) and Eddy Solutions™ sensor technologies on this project including, for example, concrete curing sensors that accelerate pour cycle times and reduce project costs. Together with Cadillac Fairview, PCL is constructing to LEED® Platinum and WELL Building Standards and – once operational – 160 Front will embrace Cadillac Fairview’s award-winning “Green at Work” program that harnesses leading global practices to integrate sustainability into property management and operations.